ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box

ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
Ken, Ho Ion Fat; Amy, Un Cho Ian

公开组企业识别设计类别 提名奖
ROCCA Pâtisserie中秋嫦月礼盒以「茗茶」及「馥郁」为题,代表着一年中享受和收获作物的美好时光,来带着这份简单细腻的礼物送给你珍重的人、在入秋的夜里谈着天说着地赏着月团聚分享吧。 包装设计用上两款经典花纹纸及配色:墨绿色的欧洲刚古纸搭配「茗茶」主题礼盒、红棕色的东方风格大地纸搭配「馥郁」主题礼盒,表达出视觉与味觉的连结。

ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
Ken, Ho Ion Fat; Amy, Un Cho Ian

Public Group Corporate Identity Design - Finalist
Product Design
Macau Design Award
The ROCCA Mid-Autumn Gift Box features a set of 2 cookie boxes with the theme of Tea and Flower for the season of enjoyment and harvest in this time of the year. Presenting this simple yet delicate gift for your beloved ones, enjoy your hygge moment under the full moon in this autumn night! We used 2 types of traditional paper and color palette for the package: English conqueror texture paper in inky jade colour for tea collection and Oriental Earth paper in coral red color for foral collection, to express the theme and the flavour in the design.

1 ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
2 ROCCA Mid-autumn Gift Box
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