Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Figlia - Feminine by Nature

Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Super Union

Figlia——女性的天性,(意大利语中为女儿的意思)是为橄榄油品牌Agricola Dargenio的限量产品设计的包装。该系列的灵感来自于女性的天性,这与产品、产品的制造方式以及它的首位女性首席执行官都息息相关。Agricola Dargenio是一个拥有并经营了两代农场的家族品牌。 Emanuele D’Argenio在70多年前开始种植橄榄并以“Padré”(父亲)商标生产橄榄油,然后将管理权交给了他的儿子Giuseppe&Michele。2019年是第三代移交——Emanuele的孙女Emanuella接管了业务。 为了庆祝领导层的换届,Agricola Dargenio决定推出限量版橄榄油品牌——Figlia(女儿)。在同一地区纯手工制作的300个瓶子,没有两个是完全相同的。 瓶子的设计让人联想到女性化的形式,每一个瓶子都是独特的,意在展示女性独特而个性的美。

Figlia - Feminine by Nature
Super Union
Hong Kong,China

ADC 99th Gold
Visual Communication Design
The ADC Annual Awards
Figlia - Feminine by nature, Figlia (meaning daughter in Italian) is a limited edition batch of hand crafted olive oil from Agricola Dargenio. The edition was inspired by the Idea Feminine by Nature – which relates to both the product, how it’s made and the Agricola’s first female CEO. Agricola Dargenio has been a family owned and operated farm for two generations. Emanuele D’Argenio began growing olives and producing olive oil under the ‘Padré’ (father) label over 70 years ago before handing the reigns over to his sons, Giuseppe & Michele. 2019 saw the third generational handover - with Emanuele’s grand-daughter, Emanuella, taking helm of the business. To celebrate the change in leadership Agricola Dargenio, decided to launch a limited-edition brand of olive oil, Figlia (daughter). Hand made in the same region, each of the 300 limited run bottles were individually hand thrown. The bottles were designed to evoke a feminine form, with each one being completely unique to reflect the beauty in individuality.

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