展览快讯 News

2021.12.21 — 2022.1.14

2021“上海设计10×10”全球海报邀请展在中华艺术宫开幕! 2021 "Shanghai Design 10×10" Global Invitational Poster Exhibition opened in China Art Museum!

“上海设计 10×10”是“上海设计”概念延伸的展览与交流项目,旨在提升“上海设计”的国际影响力,打造“上海设计”国际设计交流平台。该项目集结遍布世界各地、历史悠久、跨越大洲、拥有顶级影响力的设计大赛组织及设计机构,每两年分别举办“上海设计10×10 全球大奖展”和“上海设计10×10 全球设计高峰会”。



泽维尔·贝穆德兹·巴努埃洛斯,1953年生于墨西哥,平面设计师。曾在墨西哥UAM X和意大利米兰理工设计学院学习。1988年开始组织墨西哥国际海报双年展(BICM),并担任主席。其作品曾在诸多专业杂志上发表,如《Linea Gráfica》《Print》《Affiche》《Idea》和《Who is Who in Graphic Design》等杂志。他曾应邀担任芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展、科罗拉多州柯林斯堡国际海报展和玻利维亚双年展的评委。参加的展览包括:1998年日本京都的世界会议、2002年法国“致敬Toulouse Lautrec百年纪念展”,以及近期的“致敬Jan Rajlich”。1997年,创办了《Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño》杂志。在30多个国家联合举办的 "自由之声 "展览中担任策展人并参展。目前生活和工作在韦拉克鲁斯州哈拉帕。



蒂亚戈·拉卡斯  梦醒时分  巴西  2021

朱利安·纳兰霍·多诺索  当代红色巨龙  智利  2021

谢尔盖·谢罗夫,出生于1952年,毕业于莫斯科电信学院和圣彼得堡州立美术、雕塑和建筑学院。目前出版了15本书,约600篇作品,并担任多个杂志的总编辑和艺术总监、500项设计活动的组织人和策展人。他也是俄罗斯莫斯科金蜜蜂国际平面设计双年展(Golden Bee)的主席,平面设计学院副主席,俄罗斯总统国民经济与公共管理学院 (RANEPA)设计学院的主任及教授。获得荣誉包括:公众认可金勋章、联合国公共奖委员会荣誉文凭、罗德琴科奖等。

自1992年创立的Golden Bee俄罗斯金蜜蜂国际平面设计双年展至今已进入第十四届,该活动是国际平面设计师协会AGI与IBCC国际双年展协调委员会支持认可的顶级赛事。金蜜蜂国际平面设计双年展作为世界范围内最具影响力之一,每届均吸引着世界各地的设计师来参与到该赛事当中。参赛作品涵盖了平面设计、海报、字体、环保图形等类别。金蜜蜂国际平面设计双年展集合了世界上优秀的设计作品。旨在加深国际交流,增添设计的文化附加值,提升行业的创造力,展示当代视觉文化的发展趋势。每届比赛获奖作品均会作为大规模展出,通过展览促进世界范围的合作,逐渐提升设计水平和设计行业的潜在能力。

安娜·库拉切克  上海律动  美国  2021

彼得·班科夫  云端之城  俄罗斯  2021

柳允皓,现任韩国现代设计协会Korean Ensemble of Contemporary Design(KECD) 会长、2021年第十一届亚洲平面设计三年展总监、大韩民国陆军美术展设计组委会主任,台湾国际学生设计大赛视觉设计组评委。

韩国现代设计协会(KECD)前身为成立于1969年代的韩国现代设计实验设计师协会,50 多年来一直为韩国的设计文化发展做出贡献。该协会于2010年重新开始,旨在提高视觉设计的整体质量,以更好地理解为社会贡献正能量。作为世界平面设计协会ico-D的成员,韩国现代设计协会不断追求全球交流。为了引导交流设计活动,该协会举办了许多会议,如首尔-亚洲平面海报三年展、发展中国家设计教育支持(DESPA)和非亚洲国家联合设计会议。协会还与世界平面设计协会、联合国教科文组织以及来自世界各地的顶尖大学合作举办了许多会议。

宣炳一  旧现代——上海  韩国  2021

林克来  √上∞海  韩国  2021

王利欣,亚洲设计联盟 (tDA Asia) 的联合创始人兼主席、马来西亚平面设计协会联合创办人(wREGA)、国际平面设计协会联合会 (ico-D) 前任主席,迪拜阿联酋国际海报节 (EIPF) 国际委员会的成员。王利欣善于在品牌、文化、城市和社区之间进行跨界工作,通过设计提升一个地区的人文和文化体验。他对东南亚文化充满了热情,早年就对该地区进行了广泛的记录。他还是 Zakti 战略设计公司的执行合伙人兼设计总监,该公司致力于下一代博物馆和展览等文化相关的项目,以促进与各国的文化交流。目前获得的奖项包括:2015年亚洲设计大奖(香港)、2011年马来西亚设计开发中心终身成就奖等等。

亚洲设计联盟(tDA Asia)成立于2000年,是亚洲最广泛的设计师合作网络之一,成员遍及13个国家/地区,其共同愿景是将亚洲身份提升为重要的文化力量和设计战略平台。亚洲设计联盟通过分享共同而多元的文化的想法和知识,促进亚洲设计师的原创创造力。并且致力于与专门从事设计、研究、教育、艺术和文化交流的组织合作,重点关注亚洲及其人民不断变化的生活方式。此外,tDA Asia成员还积极参与国际设计和文化展览、会议和论坛,并与政府和其他组织就设计、身份、品牌和出口战略进行咨询。

靳埭强  2021城市系列上海海报  中国香港  2021

刘小康  东方明珠电视塔  中国香港  2021

佩卡·洛伊里,芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展的主席、上海美术学院客座教授、BICM墨西哥名誉理事会成员、国际海报设计委员会BICBé成员、设计师联盟名誉成员。Loiri曾荣获数十项国际大奖,在数十个国际展览中担任评委。他获得了政府的设计奖、芬兰文化基金会的奖项,并被选为年度平面设计师,并被授予政府的艺术和设计奖,Grafia的白金顶,以及Pro Finlandia奖章。ProCom协会授予他终身成就奖。Loiri一直参与教育事业,例如在赫尔辛基艺术与设计大学担任MG学院的院长。他曾担任许多高校的客座教授,并在世界各地的多所大学举办讲座和研讨会。

芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展由Tapani Aartomaa创办于1974年,是世界著名海报专项展览,为ico-D(国际平面设计师协会)所认可世界最早的海报奖之一,与波兰华沙国际海报双年展、日本富山国际海报展、墨西哥国际海报展、美国科罗拉多国际海报展列入“世界五大权威海报大展”。该展览最初为双年展,地点设在赫尔辛基,在2014年改为三年展,展览地点为拉赫蒂海报博物馆。这一项举世闻名的竞赛和展览,汇集了从厄瓜多尔到中国、美国到南非的世界上最优秀的海报设计师,目前已成功举办21届。

希尔帕·希尔卡斯  打造绿色上海  芬兰  2021

艾莫·卡塔亚梅基  上海 2021(一起来吧!) 芬兰  2021

林磐耸,上海美术学院特聘教授、台湾设计联盟理事长、台湾工业设计协会理事长、台湾文化创意产业联盟协会创会理事长、全球学生创意设计大赛-台湾计划主持人。林磐耸教授享有“台湾设计界导师”的美誉,现任亚洲大学讲座教授、中国美术学院上海分院博士生导师、台湾师范大学名誉教授。曾任台湾师范大学美术系教授兼主任、视觉设计系教授兼主任、文化创艺产学中心主任、台湾师范大学副校长等。林磐耸教授并被誉为“台湾CIS先驱者”,曾为台北故宫博物院等规划企业识别系统与品牌形象设计。曾受邀担任德国Red Dot红点传达设计奖、美国Adobe国际设计奖、墨西哥国际海报双年展、日本G-Mark优良设计奖、中国国际海报双年展等多个国际设计大赛评审,并受邀担任2008年北京奥运会会徽大赛国际评审及视觉形象设计顾问。


李根在  上海风格  中国台湾  2021



中国台湾  2021

约翰·格拉夫达尔,美国科罗拉多州立大学平面设计教授,担任科罗拉多国际海报邀请展(CIIPE)的策展人和联合总监。其作品可以在许多国际出版物和展览目录中找到。他的工作重点是书籍插图和海报设计。John Gravdahl活跃在专业实践中,目前正在探索视觉故事和公共艺术的实验性技术。他认为伟大的设计是艺术与日常生活的对话。他教授所有级别的平面设计,专门研究视觉语言,并肯定应用艺术对心灵改变的作用。


德温·古道尔  魔都  加拿大  2021

勒内·斯坦纳  面向未来的上海  加拿大  2021

卢永强,香港设计中心副主席兼董事、香港邮政邮票咨询委员会成员、香港设计学院学院咨询委员会成员、香港设计师协会主席(2012-2014)。卢永强最初担任 Bates Graffix 和 Alan Chan Design 的艺术总监。1999年,加入葛瑞环球集团担任设计总监,并成立葛瑞品牌设计公司Wba。之后加入华南传媒担任总经理,负责管理《时尚先生》和《CarPlus》等热门杂志,并推出战略品牌和设计咨询公司 LOMATTERS。凭借其创意和媒体设计的背景,他在塑造海外和大中华区的视觉品牌方面发挥了重要作用。他专注于企业和品牌标设计系统、品牌管理和活动策划。此外,卢永强还积极参与全球设计竞赛,在传达艺术、纽约艺术节、One Show、澳大利亚 "青年之声 "组织、日本应用字体设计、亚洲设计奖、香港设计师协会奖和2013年十大杰出设计师奖等奖项中获得了特别认可。


李永铨  魔都  中国香港  2021

刘华智  上海的韵律  中国澳门  2021

小扬·拉吉里奇,1950年生于维斯科夫(捷克),自1999 年起担任布鲁诺双年展协会(SBB主席)。1974 年毕业于VUT 布鲁诺理工大学建筑系。1996—2014年担任VUT 布鲁诺科技大学工业设计系主任。目前他已经举办37次包括海报、平面设计、丝印画和绘画在内的个展,并参加了400多次群展。2001 年获得布鲁诺市应用艺术奖。此外,他还是捷克共和国视觉艺术家联盟、Q艺术协会的成员,以及布拉格马萨里克艺术学院和美国国际平面设计师协会(ISGD)荣誉会员。

布鲁诺国际平面设计双年展成立于 1963 年,是全球视觉传达领域历史最悠久、最重要的活动之一。第一届捷克斯洛伐克海报和宣传图形展览于 1964 年由布鲁诺的摩拉维亚画廊组织。从 1966 年起,它之后是定期举办的国际展览,致力于涵盖广泛的平面设计。布鲁诺双年展最初的多主题结构包括三个展览学科。1968 年之后,由于要求过高,展览设计这一学科被放弃了。自 1970 年以来,布鲁诺双年展的两个基本主题交替出现:(1) 海报、企业形象、信息和宣传图形,以及 (2) 书籍、杂志、报纸和数字媒体中的平面设计和排版。

安德烈·哈斯卡克  现代上海  斯洛伐克  2021

瓦茨拉夫·胡夫  上海风格-未来设计  捷克  2021


日本中部设计协会Chubu Creators Club (CCC) 是成立于1973年的设计师组织,旨在通过将主要活跃在名古屋地区的创作者聚集在一起,促进区域设计,相互交流和学习,并培养年轻设计师。该协会从事展览、讲座和培训课程等广泛的活动,并为日本中部地区的年轻设计师和学生设立了海报竞赛,以培养有望在未来发挥积极作用的平面设计师。自2015年开始,已成功举办5届竞赛。

永井一正  向着更远的未来  日本  2021

浅叶克己  上海的桃尻三女儿  日本  2021


韩家英  中国国际艺术设计博览会主题海报-1999  中国大陆

张达利  绽放上海  中国大陆  2021

王粤飞  上海印象  中国大陆  2021

王远  上海印象  中国大陆  2021





联合策展人:Xavier Bermúdez Bañuelos 泽维尔·贝穆德兹(墨西哥)

Serge Serov 谢尔盖·谢罗夫(俄罗斯)

Yoonho Yoo 柳允皓(韩国)

Pekka Loiri 佩卡·洛伊里(芬兰)

John Gravdahl 约翰·格拉夫达尔(美国)

David Lo 卢永强(中国香港)

Jan Rajlich Jr. 小扬·拉吉里奇(捷克)

Shigeo Okamoto 冈本滋夫(日本)

William Harald-Wong 王利欣(马来西亚)






数字展厅:梅数植(702 Design)、李坚






媒体支持:陆俊毅_设计现场、《湖南包装》杂志、澎湃新闻、解放日报、文汇报、雅昌网、新华网、新民晚报、新闻晨报、Hiiibrand 嗨!品牌、最设计

"Shanghai Design 10×10" is an exhibition and exchange project that extends the concept of "Shanghai Design". It aims to enhance the international influence of "Shanghai Design" and create an international design exchange platform for "Shanghai Design". It assembles 21 design competition organizations or design institutions with worldwide, long-standing, crossing four continents and top influences. The "Shanghai Design 10×10 Global Award Exhibition" and the "Shanghai Design 10×10 Global Design Summit" are held every two years.

With the base of Shanghai and the global view, the events aim to build an international design exchange platform and enhance the design competitiveness of Shanghai Design Capital. Through exhibitions, forums, publications and other different dimensions, "Shanghai Design 10×10" has established cooperative relationships with the world's top design competition organizations and design institutions, bringing together the essence of global design. Since 2018, three "Shanghai Design 10×10" events have been successfully held.

"2021'Shanghai Design 10×10' Global Poster Invitational Exhibition" is the exhibition link of this year's "Shanghai Design 10×10" event. With the theme of "Impression of Shanghai", through 11 co-curators from around the world, 102 top designers from more than 20 countries and regions were invited to create themed posters, aiming to show global designers’ impressions and images of Shanghai. In this way, a dialogue with "Shanghai Design Invitational Exhibition-Domain•Poster" is formed, thereby boosting the global influence of Chinese design, promoting global design to speak in Shanghai and promoting future design to happen in Shanghai!

Xavier Bermúdez Bañuelos,Mexico 1953. Graphic Designer. He studies at the UAM X in Mexico and at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in the city of Milan, Italy. In 1988 he started the organization of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, serving as the director. His works have been published by specialized magazines such as:" Linea Gráfica "," Print "and" Affiche " as well as by the magazines" Idea "and" Who is Who in Graphic Design ". He has been invited as a jury in theLahti International Poster Triennial, Fort Collins Colorado and Bolivia. He has participated in the collection, for the world conference Kyoto Japan 1998, in the collection "Salon du Cent, Tribute to Toulouse Lautrec published in France in 2002 and recently in the collection tribute to Jan Rajlich. In 1997 he started the Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño magazine. Producer curator and participant in the exhibition" Voces en Libertad "Presented in collaboration in more than 30 countries. He lives and works in Xalapa Veracruz.

The International Poster Biennial in Mexico is a civil association founded in 1989 with the aim of creating an international project dedicated to poster, with the premise that it is such an effective medium of message transmission that there had to be an agent in charge of recollecting the information to make history of the graphics. Even more importantly, the Poster Biennial was thought since its beginnings as an information exchange platform of creators, where related projects are impulsed or born.

BICM+ is the brand of all the products that the Poster Biennial organizes, that is to say, the total of projects that are under this non-profit civil society organization’s charge.

Thiago Lacaz   Waking Dream   BRAZIL   2021

Julian Naranjo Donoso   Red Dragon Today   CHILE   2021

Dr. Serge Serov was born 1952. Graduated from Moscow Institute of Telecommunications and St.Petersburg State Academic Institute of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture after Ilya Repin. Author of 15 books and about 600 articles. Editor-in-chief or art director for several magazines. Organizer and curator of 500 design events.He is president of Golden Bee Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design. Vice-President of Academy of Graphic Design. Professor, Head of department of RANEPA Design School. Awards include Golden Badge of Honour for Public Recognition, Honorary Diploma of the U.N. Council for Public Awards, Rodchenko Award, etc.

Now in its 14th year, the Golden Bee International Biennial of Graphic Design in Moscow, Russia, founded in 1992, is a top-level event supported and recognized by the International Association of Graphic Designers AGI and the IBCC International Biennial Coordination Committee. As one of the most influential events in the world, Golden Bee International Graphic Design Biennial attracts designers from all over the world to participate in the event. Entries cover graphic design, posters, typefaces, environmental graphics and other categories. The Golden Bee International Graphic Design Biennial is a collection of the world's best design works. It aims to deepen international exchange, add cultural added value to design, enhance the creativity of the industry and showcase the trend of contemporary visual culture. The winning works of each competition are exhibited as a large-scale exhibition to promote worldwide cooperation through the exhibition and gradually raise the level of design and the potential ability of the design industry.

Anna KulachekVibrating City Shanghai   USA   2021

Peter BankovThe City is Above the Clouds   Russia2021

Yoonho Yoo,President of Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design Association(KECD), Director of the 11th Asian Graphic Design Triennale Exhibition in 2021, Director of Design Organizing Committee for the 2021 Republic of Korea Army Art Exhibition, 2021 Taiwan International Student Design Competition Visual Design Division Judge.

Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design Association(KECD), formerly known as the Korea Modern Design Experimental Designer Association, founded in 1969, contributed to developing the design culture in Korea for over 50 years. KECD started anew in 2010 to improve the overall quality of visual design to provide a better understanding in contributing positive energy to the society. As a member of ico-D, KECD continues to pursue global communication. To lead interchanging design activities, KECD held many conferences like the Seoul-Asia Graphic poster Triennale, Design Education Support for developing countries (DESPA), and United Design conference for non-Asian countries. It also held many conferences in coordination with ico-D, UNESCO, and with top universities from all over the world.

Byoung-il Sun   Old Modernity-Shanghai   Republic of Korea   2021

Lim Hak Lae   Root Shang∞hai   Republic of Korea   2021

William Harald-Wong is the Co-Founder and Chairman of The Design Alliance Asia; Co-Founder of the Graphic Design Association of Malaysia and a Past President of icograda (ico-D). He is also a member of the International Committee for Emirates International Poster Festival (EIPF), Dubai. William works at the intersection of brand, culture, city, and community, enhancing a place’s human and cultural experience. He is passionate about Southeast Asian culture and has documented the region extensively in his early years. He is also Managing Partner and Design Director of Zakti Strategic Design, a company working on culture-related projects including next-generation museums and exhibitions and promoting cultural exchanges with countries.His current awards include the Design for Asia Awards (Hong Kong) 2015, the Malaysian Design Development Centre Lifetime Achievement Award 2011, etc.

The Design Alliance Asia (tDA Asia) , founded in the year 2000, is one of the most extensive collaborative networks of designers in Asia with a shared vision of advancing Asian identity as a vital cultural force and a strategic platform for design. It promotes the original creativity of Asian designers by sharing ideas and knowledge of common yet diverse cultures. It is also committed to working with organisations that specialise in design, research, education, art and cultural exchange with a focus on Asia and the changing lifestyles of its people. In addition, tDA Asia associates actively participate in international design and cultural exhibitions, conferences and forums, and consult on design, identity, brand and export strategy with governments and other organisations reaching out across the region.

Kan Tai-keung   2021 City Series Shanghai Poster   Hong Kong,China   2021

Freeman Lau   Oriental Pearl TV Tower   Hong Kong,China   2021

Pekka Loiri is the president of the Lahti International Poster Triennial, visiting Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, member of Honorary Council BICM Mexico, International Poster Design Council BICBé and honorary member of Union of Designers. Loiri is Awarded dozens of international prize. He’s worked as a jury member in dozens international exhibitions. He’s received the government’s Design Award, the award of the Finnish Culture Foundation and elected as the Graphic Designer of the year. He is granted the government’s art and design prix, the Platinum Top by Grafia, and the Pro Finlandia medal. Association ProCom gave him The Lifetime Achievements Award. Loiri has been involved in education, e.g. at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, as the chancellor at the MG school. He has worked as visiting professor and has offered lectures and workshops at a number of universities all over the world.

Lahti International Poster Triennial was founded in 1974 by Tapani Aartomaa, is a world-renowned poster special exhibition, for ico-D (International Association of Graphic Designers) recognized as one of the world's earliest poster awards. It and Warsaw International Poster Biennial in Poland, Japan Toyama International Poster Exhibition, Mexico International Poster Exhibition, Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition included "the world's five authoritative poster exhibition". The exhibition was originally a biennial, located in Helsinki, changed to a triennial in 2014, the exhibition venue for Lahti Poster Museum. This world-renowned competition and exhibition, which brings together the world's best poster designers from Ecuador to China, the United States to South Africa, has been successfully held for 21 editions.

Hilppa HyrkäsCreating Green Shanghai   Finland   2021

Aimo Katajamäki   Shanghai 2021 (All Together!)   Finland   2021

Apex Lin, Pang-Soong, Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Chairman of Taiwan Design Alliance, Chairman of Taiwan Industrial Design Association, Founding Chairman of Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Alliance Association, Host of Global Student Creative Design Competition - Taiwan Program.Professor Apex Lin, Pang-Soong enjoys a great reputation as the supervisor of Taiwan design community. Now he is the chair professor of Asia University, the doctoral advisor of China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design, the honorary professor of National Taiwan Normal University. He used to be the professor and dean of the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University, the professor and dean of the Department of Visual Design, the director of Cultural & Creative Industries Center and the vice president of National Taiwan Normal University. Being honored as trailblazer of Taiwan CIS, he designed corporate identity system and brand for several companies, such as Taipei National Palace Museum. He used to be a judge for Red Dot Design Award, Adobe Design Achievement Award, International Poster Biennial in Mexico, G-mark Design Award and China International Poster Biennial, and was invited to be an international judge and a visual image design counselor of Emblem Design Competition of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

International Student Design Competition-Taiwan, which started in 2010, is an extension of the "Taiwan International Creative Design Competition" - "Student Category". It was promoted in 2008. The competition, combing the competitive advantages of existing art and design talent cultivation programs, not only encourage students from art and design institutions around the world to participate in the competition, but also to make full use of media and publicity to promote during the design competition event. Having experts and scholars from around the world come to Taiwan to serve as judges or students from around the world who have won awards come to Taiwan to receive them helps to promote the achievements of  design education.

Genzai Li   Shanghai Style   Taiwan,China   2021

Apex Lin,Pang-soong

Shanghai Design10x10 Global Poster Symphony

Taiwan,China   2021

John Gravdahl,Graphic Design Professor at Colorado State University. He also serve as the Curator and Co-Director of the Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (CIIPE), and his work can be found in many international publications and exhibition catalogs. He focuses on book illustration and poster design. John Gravdahl is active in professional practice, currently exploring experimental techniques in visual storytelling and public art. He sees great design as art's dialog with daily life. He teaches all levels of graphic design, specializing in visual language and affirming the role of applied arts for mindful change.

The Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (CIIPE) was begun in 1979 as a way to expose students at Colorado State University, as well as the campus as a whole and surrounding communities, to a showcase of the best poster designers and artists from around the world. The invitees are selected by the directors of the exhibition as examples of the very best designers working on posters currently, having shown extensively in juried competitions, exhibitions, and galleries around the world, often being the award winners of the shows, and many have been invited to exhibit in several editions. The CIIPE is one of a very few invitational showcases that exist, so the unique nature of the exhibition itself is an event to celebrate the work of talented and exceptional poster artists from around the world.

Derwyn Goodall   Módū  Canada   2021

René Steiner   Shanghai Future Forward   Canada   2021

David Lo is the Vice-chairman and Board of Director of Hong Kong Design Centre, the Member of Stamp Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Post Office, Faculty Advisory Committee of THEi. And he was also the chairman of Hong Kong Designers' Association (2012-2014).

David started off as the Art Director for Bates Graffix and Alan Chan Design. In 1999, David joined Grey Global Group as the Design Director and established Wba, a branding design company of Grey. Prior to launching Strategic Brand & Design Consultancy LOMATTERS. David joined South China Media as General Manager looking after popular magazines such as Esquire and CarPlus. Coming from an extensive background in creative and media design, David has had a big hand in shaping the visual branding in oversea and Greater China. He specialises in corporate and brand identity design system, brand management and event planning.
David is also a proactive member in worldwide design competitions. He earned his special recognition at the awards of Communication Arts, New York Festivals, One Show, Young Guns Australia, Japan Applied Typography, Design for Asia Awards, Hong Kong Designers Association Awards and Ten Outstanding Designers Award 2013, etc.

As a non-governmental organization established in 2001, the Hong Kong Design Center serves as a strategic partner of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with the goal of promoting Hong Kong to become an internationally renowned design capital in Asia. The public mission is to promote the extensive and strategic use of design and design thinking in the community to create value for the industry and improve social welfare. It aims to promote Hong Kong to become an international design center in Asia.

Tommy LiModu   Hong Kong,China   2021

Mann Lao   Flow-in Shanghai   Macau,China   2021

Jan Rajlich Jr. was born in 1950 in Viskov (Czech Republic) and has been the president of the Society of Biennales Brno (SBB) since 1999.He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the VUT Brno University of Technology in 1974. He was the head of the Department of Industrial Design at the VUT Brno University of Technology in 1996-2014. He has now held 37 solo exhibitions including posters, graphic design, screen prints and paintings, and has participated in more than 400 group exhibitions. He received the Prize of the City of Brno for Applied Arts in 2001. In addition, he is a member of the Union of Visual Artists of the Czech Republic, Q Art Association, as well as an honorary member of Masaryk Academy of Arts in Prague and International Society of Graphic Designers (ISGD), USA.

The Brno International Biennial of Graphic Design, established in 1963, is one of the oldest and most important events in the field of visual communication worldwide. The First Czechoslovak Exhibition of Poster and Promotional Graphics was organized by the Moravian Gallery, Brno in 1964. From 1966 onwards it was followed by regular international exhibitions that worked to embrace a wide spectrum of graphic design. The original multi-thematic structure of the Brno Biennial comprised three exhibition disciplines. After 1968, the discipline involving exhibition design was abandoned as it proved too demanding. Two basic subjects have alternated at the Brno Biennial since 1970: (1) poster, corporate identity, information and promotional graphics, and (2) graphic design and typography in books, magazines, newspapers and the digital media.

Andrej Hascak   Modern Shanghai   Slovakia   2021

Václav Houf   Shanghai Style-Future Design   Czech Republic   2021

Shigeo Okamoto born in Japan in 1934, Shigeo Okamoto is an internationally renowned graphic designer who graduated from Aichi Gakugei University. He founded Shigeo Okamoto Design Office in 1968 and is currently an honorary professor at Nagoya Gakugei University and Nagoya Zokei University in Japan. He is also the honorary president of the Chubu Creators Club (CCC), a member of the International Federation of Graphic Designers, a member of the Japan Graphic Design Association, and the honorary president of the Chubu Creative Club. International awards won by Shigeo Okamoto include Best Poster Award, Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (2011), MAIN AWARD Award, Bruno International Graphic Design Biennial (2006), Gold Award, ADC Exhibition, New York (1980), Bronze Award, Bruno International Graphic Design Biennial (1978), Silver Award, Warsaw International Poster Biennial (1976), Special Selection, Daily Commercial Design Award (1968). He has opened 50 solo exhibitions in Nagoya, Tokyo and New York, and has been invited to participate in numerous international exhibitions. His works are collected in many world-renowned art museums such as the Museum of Modern Art.

The Chubu Creators Club (CCC) is an organization of designers founded in Japan in 1973 to promote regional design, exchange and learn from each other, and foster young designers by bringing together creators primarily active in the Nagoya area. The association engages in a wide range of activities such as exhibitions, lectures and training courses, and has established a poster competition for young designers and students in Japan to foster graphic designers who are expected to play an active role in the future. The competition has been successfully held for five sessions since 2015.

Kazumasa Nagai   Further Future   Japan   2021

Katsumi AsabaShanghai's Three Peach Ass Girls   Japan   2021

Qing Chen,Vice president, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Academy of fine arts,and deputy director of Arts and crafts Committee of China Artists Association,and director of Graphic Design Art Committee of Shanghai Creative Designers Association.

Jiaying Han  China International Art and Design Expo Theme Poster - 1999  China

Dali Zhang  Blossom Shanghai  China  2021

Yuefei WangShanghai Image   China   2021

Yuan Wang   Shanghai Image   China   2021

2021 "Shanghai Design 10x10" Global Invitational Poster Exhibition Organizing Committee Directory

General Counsel: Feng Yuan

General Planner: Zeng Chenggang

Chief Curator: Apex Lin,Pang-Soong (Taiwan, China), Chen Qing (Mainland China)


Xavier Bermúdez Bañuelos (Mexico)

Serge Serov (Russia)

Yoonho Yoo (South Korea)

Pekka Loiri (Finland)

John Gravdahl (USA)

David Lo (Hong Kong, China)

Jan Rajlich Jr. (Czech Republic)

Shigeo Okamoto (Japan)

William Harald-Wong (Malaysia)

Working Committee: Chen Jing, Wang Lingshan, Li Chao, Jin Jiangbo, Jiang Tieli, Song Guoshuan

Academic Chair: Chen Qing

Executive Directors: Lu Dandan, Cai Wenchao, Cheng Yiqi

Visual Design: Cai Wenchao

Exhibition Design: Lu Jiaxing, Zhou Zijian

Digital Exhibition Hall: Mei Shuzhi (702 Design), Li Jian

Project Coordinator: Zhao Lei, Wang Jingyan, Li Chao, Wang Meng, Li Mingxing, Ma Jun, Song Jie, Pan Minye, Niu Chenguang, Lu Yang, Dong Shunqi, Shu Mei

Project Team: Zhang Shunkai, Song Peiming, Chen Ran, Lou Jiayi, You Kaiwen, Wang Tianpeng, Li Ziming, Ren Yushan, Qu Keyang, Liu Ying, Huang Houwang, Zhou Ying, Jiang Jiayun, Wang Siyu, Yan Yang, Yuan Zhiwei, Li Wenting, Zhu Shiyi, Cao Zixuan

Guiding Unit: Shanghai University

Host Unit: Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, China Art Museum

Academic Guidance Unit: Graphic Design Art Committee of China Artists Association, Shanghai Creative Design Workers Association

Media Support: Lu Junyi_DesignLive, Hunan Baozhuang Magazine, The Paper, Jiefang Daily, Wen Hui Bao, Artron.net, Xinhuanet, Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai Morning Post, Hiiibrand, AD518.com