展览快讯 News
野老朝雄自幼学习建筑,师从Shin Egashira。自2001年9月11日以来,他一直以“连接”为理念创作图案。他的许多图案都是基于简单的几何图形,用指南针和尺子就能复制。其作品既有二维的,也有三维的,跨越了美术、设计和建筑等学科。他的主要作品包括大名古屋大厦的下立面玻璃图案、2020东京奥运会会徽、三宅一生手提包图案以及安装在大手町公园大楼外的雕塑“连接之塔”。他是东京大学工程学院讲师,东京大学文理学院兼职讲师,台湾师范大学设计系客座教授。
周小良是MO-DESIGN创始人及创意总监,现任澳门设计师协会会长、澳门理工大学艺术及设计学院课程咨询委员会、深圳市平面设计协会会员。致力于品牌策划及设计,屡获国际设计大奖。于2010年为东京字体指导协会(Tokyo TDC)设计大赏担任整体视觉形象设计。近年更将业务拓展至零售及餐饮,先后创立生活创意产品店“MODDesign Store”、独立时装品牌店“C”及植物选品店“TheGrey Green”,创立及经营的品牌涉及产品、时装、植物、食品、酒吧及餐厅等。
池舒颖现任新加坡设计业总商会主席,并一直积极担任各种国际学生设计奖的评委。她也是D’Perception创始人兼董事,该公司是新加坡和亚洲全套室内设计公司的母公司。她目前是D’Perception Ritz公司负责人,在住宅、酒店和社交领域率先推出屡获殊荣的室内建筑解决方案。多年来,她致力于社区项目,并坚信有才华的行业参与者可以在自己的专业领域为社区做出有意义的回报。池舒颖采用设计思维的方法与客户建立真正的合作伙伴关系,以增强服务交付。
泽维尔·贝穆德兹曾在墨西哥的不同机构任教,并在世界各地举办会议。他为拉丁美洲平面设计专业杂志撰稿,并于1987年创办文化杂志《通过自由》(VíaLibre),1997年担任《卢迪卡设计艺术与文化》(Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño)杂志的编辑。他曾担任多个展览的评委,如科林斯堡海报展(1993年)、保加利亚索菲亚海报三年展、芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展和波兰华沙双年展。1998年,他开始在墨西哥组织国际海报双年展,目前担任该双年展的主席。自1996年以来,他创办自己的工作室MatatenaVisual,同时也是韦拉克鲁斯大学的机构形象顾问。2015年,他成为圣路易斯波托西自治大学图像研究中心的创始人。2023年获得波兰政府颁发的Bene Merito金质奖章。
高校教师,主要从事视觉传达方面的教学和研究。本硕毕业于山东工艺美术学院,中国美术学院博士在读。设计作品曾入围第十二届全国美展、深圳GDC设计奖、方正设计奖、芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展、Hiii Illustration国际插画大赛等多项国内外专业赛事。
2011年中国美术学院硕士研究生毕业后留校任教,现任中国美术学院创新设计学院副教授,展览展示设计专业背景,现主攻设计理论研究,目前中国美术学院博士在读,研究方向为中国近现代设计源流上海学。2014年度浙江省视觉艺术青年人才培养“新峰计划”,2017年中国美术学院“优秀青年学者”培养。参与2022年国家社科基金艺术学重点项目《新文化运动时期中国出版设计文化研究》;主持2015年浙江省教育厅项目《基于互联网的线上非物质展示平台研究》。参与社会重大设计项目,例如2010年参与上海也博会城市最佳实践区杭州馆,“五水共导•品质杭州”展区设计;2017 年参与第十三届全国学生运动会导视设计。曾发表多篇学术论文,《基于云平台的数字展示设计中的交互与语言转换研究》《纹非饰也——关于良渚线刻符号的考察》《从图画到图案——设计相关名词概念的演变》。
任教于中国美术学院视觉传播学院,上海美术学院设计学博士,相对态 Relative State Design 合伙人。作品参展并获奖于纽约ADC银立方体、GDC19/21银奖&评审奖&优异奖、2020 TokyoTDC 两件优异、DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖、INTL苏格兰平面设计节、三届Award360°年度设计100、芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展、第十二届&第十三届全国美展、首届全国平面设计大展、澳门设计奖、中国国际大学生设计双年展金奖、意大利博洛尼亚国际海报展、西班牙马德里Gráfica海报展等。联合执行“上海设计10×10”全球大奖展&全球设计高峰会系列、上海设计邀请展、2019GDC Show 上海站、深圳设计周“国美创新”板块等多个展览及论坛。作品收录于《Tokyo TDC》《Design for Asia》《APD亚太设计年鉴》《Design 360°》等。
主题: 和谐、公正、有效的机构(SDGs16)
主题: 良好健康与福祉(SDGs3)、优质教育(SDGs4)
主题: 消除饥饿(SDGs2)
主题: 可持续城市和社区(SDGs11)
主题: 负责任消费和生产(SDGs12)
主题: 可持续城市和社区(SDGs11)
主题: 产业、创新和基础设施(SDGs9)、可持续城市和社区(SDGs11)、负责任消费和生产(SDGs12)
主题: 清洁饮水和卫生设施(SDGs6)、经济适用的清洁能源(SDGs7)
主题: 体面工作和经济增长(SDGs8)、产业、创新和基础设施(SDGs9)、促进目标实现的伙伴关系(SDGs17)
"2023 Shanghai Design 10 × 10 Global Design Workshop" will be held on the Yanchang campus of Shanghai University from December 10th to December 12th, lasting for three days, divided into three categories: spatial design, product design, and visual design. Each expert will lead ten students (including undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and designer students registered at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and other universities) to design and create works around SDGs.
This event will gather ten chairpersons of global design organizations and world-renowned design masters to deliver speeches and workshops around SDGs, to build a high-end platform for global design exchange and innovation, boost the development of Shanghai style culture in the new era, and release the global influence of Chinese design. In this way, a professional dialogue between "Shanghai Design" and the world's top design groups will be formed, so as to promote global design to speak in Shanghai and promote future design to happen in Shanghai!
Workshop Advisor
Host of Global Student Design Competition -
Taiwan Program
Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Apex Lin, Pang-Soong is currently Chair Professor of Visual Design Department Asia University, President of Taiwan Industrial Design Association, President of Taiwan Design Alliance. Lin has been acclaimed mentor of design in Taiwan and was the winner of the 2007 Taiwan Award for Literature and Arts. In avant-garde and contemporary design, his concentrated visual language in poster designs portraying the image of the island of Taiwan has taken the field of design of Taiwan into international realms.
Designer of the emblem for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Asao TOKOLO learned architecture since childhood, including an apprenticeship under Shin Egashira. Since September 11th, 2001, he has been creating patterns with the concept “to connect”. Many of his patterns are based on simple geometry, which can be reproduced using a compass and a ruler. His work is both two-dimensional and three-dimensional, crossing disciplines such as fine arts, design and architecture. His major works include the lower facade glass pattern for Dai Nagoya Building, emblems for Tokyo 2020, the pattern for BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE bags and the Tower of Connect, which is a sculpture installed outside Otemachi Park Building. He is a lecturer at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering and a part-time lecturer at the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, and a visiting professor at National Taiwan Normal University (TAIPEI, TAIWAN), Department of Design.
President of Macau Designers Association
Founder and Creative Director of MO-DESIGN, currently President of the Macau Designers Association, member of the Curriculum Advisory Committee of the School of Art and Design at the Macau Polytechnic University, and member of the Shenzhen Graphic Design Association. Committed to brand planning and design, he has won numerous international design awards. He served as the overall visual image designer for the Tokyo TDC Design Awards in 2010. In recent years, he has expanded his business to retail and catering, and has successively established a lifestyle creative product store "MOD Design Store", an independent fashion brand store "C", and a plant selection store "The Green". The brands he has established and operated include products, fashion, plants, food, bars, and dining halls.
President, Design Business Chamber Singapore
Su Eing is the current President of Design Business Chamber Singapore. She has been an active juror for various international student design awards. Ms Chee Su Eing is the Founder and Director of D’Perception, the parent company of a group of full-suite interior design companies in Singapore and Asia. She currently leads D’Perception Ritz, spearheading award winning interior architectural solutions in the residential, hospitality and social sectors. Over the years, Su Eing has dedicated increased attention to community projects and is a firm believer that talented industry players can give back meaningfully to the community in their areas of expertise. Taking a design thinking approach leads to true partnerships with clients to augment service delivery.
Co-Director Colorado International Invitational
Poster Exhibition
John Gravdahl earned his BFA at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He worked for design firms in the Rocky Mountain market before establishing a free-lance enterprise with a wide-ranging clientele from small family-owned businesses to high-tech corporations and non-profit organizations. He joined the faculty at CSU, becoming Co-Director of the Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (CIIPE). He received his MFA in Illustration at Syracuse University before founding Propeller Press, winning awards for his children’s books and educational posters. With an extensive exhibition record he has served as a juror, speaker, and workshop leader at major design exhibitions and conferences on four continents.
President of International Council of
Societies of Industrial Design
Soon-In Lee is currently the Senator of World Design Organization(WDO), Chairman of Asia Design Network, Co-Chairman of Asia Design Management, Co-Chairman of Asia Pacific Designer Federation, Professor of Hunan university in China.He has served as President of International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID), Executive Director of LG European Design Centre, Executive Director of Korea Institute of Design Promotion, Director of Gwangju Design Biennale, Chairman of the Korea Design & Brand Management Association, President Seoul Design Center, President of Asia 3D Printing Forum, Dean of IDAS Hong-ik University in Seoul, Master of Industrial Design and Management Detao in China.
Deputy Director of Creative Economy Agency
Pichit Virankabutra obtained a Master's degree in MA Fine Arts from Goldsmith College, University of London in 1998. At present, he serves as the design advisory manager, design advisory department, exhibition and event director, exhibition and event department, creative space development director, creative space development at the Thailand Creative & Design Center. He is the deputy director and creative city development director of the Creative Economy Agency (CEA). At the same time, he is the president of the Thai Graphic Designers Association.
Former President, World Design Organization
Srini Srinivasan is a highly accomplished designer & entrepreneur in creative design and technology development, with 30 years of work experience in the Silicon Valley, United States, Europe and India. Presently, Srini is one of the Senators of WDO (World Design Organization, formerly Icsid), after serving as its President until Feb 2022. Srini is also the Founding President of WDO Foundation, a non-profit entity set up to work with Cities, Municipalities and local governments to execute projects that help create a better lifestyle for citizens. Srini is the Chairman & CEO of LUMIUM DESIGN, Inc. Srini is a visiting Professor of Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He is an Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design at Tongji College of Design & Innovation.
Director of International Poster Biennial in Mexico
As professor he has taught at diverse institutions in Mexico and given conferences around the world. His editorial work includes contributions to magazines specialized in Latin American Graphic Design, and as founder of the cultural magazine Vía Libre in 1987 and editor of the magazine Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño in 1997. He has been member of the jury in several exhibitions such as the Poster Exhibition Fort Collins (1993), the Set Poster Triennial in Sofia in Bulgaria the International Poster Biennial in Lahti, Finland and The Warsaw Polish Biennale.In 1998 he began the organization of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico and is currently its Director. Since 1996 he owns and works in his own studio, Matatena Visual, and was also Institutional Image advisor at the Universidad Veracruzana.In 2015 was de founder of the iconographic research center at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.In 2023 received from the Polish Government the Bene Merito Gold Medal.
President of Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design Association
Yoonho Yoo is currently the President of Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design Association, Vice President of the Federation of Korean Design Organizations, Gwangju Design Biennale International Poster Exhibition Steering Committee Chairman, K-Design Jump Up Forum Overseas Business Division Steering Committee Member, Organizing Committee Member of the Republic of Korea Army ‘Korean Hoguk Art Competition’, Global Student Design Competition - Taiwan Visual Design Division Final Judge.
Workshop Co-Mentor
Li Chao
Chao Li is a postdoctoral fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and the moderator of the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Program, "Research on Shanghai Designers and Modern Shanghai Cultural Space". She graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute for her master's degree and Shanghai University for her doctorate. She has published more than 20 papers as the first author. Her main research interests include: modern Shanghai design history, handicrafts, design criticism, etc.
Le Lijun
Le Lijun Lecturer, Master's Supervisor, Doctorate in Art from the Department of History and Theory at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. Mainly research interests include the history of Sino Japanese art exchange, Japanese art and design, and commit to the exchange of art and culture between China and Japan.
Wang Meng
Possessing a Doctorate in Design and a postdoctoral degree in Fine Arts, this individual serves as a faculty member in the Design Department at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University. His primary areas of expertise include public visual communication design, theoretical research, and the practical application of cultural heritage regeneration. He has taken the lead and actively participated in several provincial and ministerial-level projects, as well as contributed to and successfully completed various initiatives, including those supported by the National Social Science Fund and the National Art Fund in a significant capacity. With over 20 published academic papers, he recognized as a key talent in the Cultural Industry Entrepreneurship and Creative Talent Support Plan of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Furthermore, his design works have been consistently featured in numerous exhibitions.
Zhang Teng
Zhang Teng,a college teacher,is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of visual communication and research.Bachelor and Master's degree graduated from Shandong University of Art&Design,Doctor candidate for China Academy of Art.Design works have been shortlisted for the twelfth National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, Shenzhen GDC Design Award, Founder Design Award, Lahti Poster Triennial, Hiii Illustration International Illustration Competition and other domestic and foreign professional events.
Fan Jiamin
After graduating from China Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree in 2011, I stayed on campus to teach,Current Associate Professor at the School of Innovative Design, China Academy of Fine Arts, with a background in Exhibition and Display Design. I am currently focusing on research in design theory and pursuing a PhD at the China Academy of Fine Arts. My research direction is Shanghai Studies, which focuses on the origins of modern and contemporary design in China. The 2014 Zhejiang Province Visual Art Youth Talent Training "New Peak Plan" and the 2017 China Academy of Fine Arts "Excellent Young Scholars" training. Participated in the 2022 National Social Science Foundation Art Key Project "Research on Publishing and Design Culture in China during the New Culture Movement"; Hosted the 2015 Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education project "Research on Online Intangible Display Platforms Based on the Internet". Participated in major social design projects, such as participating in the design of the Hangzhou Pavilion in the Urban Best Practice Area of the Shanghai International Expo in 2010, the exhibition area of "Five Waters Co guiding • Quality Hangzhou"; Participated in the VIS design for the 13th National Student Games in 2017. I have published multiple academic papers, including Research on Interactive From and Language Conversion in Digital Display Design Based on Cloud Platform, " Patterns are not decorations: an investigation of Liangzhu line carving symbols," and " From Drawing to Design: the evolution of design related terminology concepts."
Ma Jun
Ma Jun, PhD, lecturer, postdoctoral fellow at Shanghai University Art Station. Member of Paper Cuttings Art Branch of Chinese Culture Promotion Association. Research direction: Integration and Innovation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Systems under Big Data Thinking, Published Multiple Core Papers, Participated in Multiple National Social Science Foundation and National Art Foundation Projects, and served as a member of the Shanghai Design 10X10 Project Team from 2018 to 2023.
Zhang Jing
Zhang Jing PhD of China Academy of Art, teacher in Product Design at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. Research areas: Modern Chinese Design History and Product Design Theory. More than ten papers have been published, including in CSSCI journals. Undertake and participate in multiple scientific research projects, including the National Social Science Foundation's Art Key Project and the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Science Youth Project. He has led and participated in multiple design practice projects, involving professional tool design, transportation interface design, food packaging design, and other fields.
Cai Wenchao
Cai Wenchao, Teaching in the School of Communication & Design , China Academy of Art, Doctor of Design, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Partner of Relative State Design. His works have been exhibited and won ADC Silver Cube in New York, GDC19/21 Silver Award & Jury Award & Merit Award, 2020 TokyoTDC Two Pieces of Excellence, DFA Asia's Most Influential Design Award, INTL Scottish Graphic Design Festival, and three Awards 360° Annual Design 100, Finland Lahti International Poster Triennale, the 12th & 13th National Art Exhibition, the first National Graphic Design Exhibition, Macau Design Award, Gold Medal of China International University Student Design Biennale, Bologna International Poster Exhibition in Italy, Grafica Poster Exhibition in Madrid, Spain, etc. Jointly implement "Shanghai Design 10×10" Global Award exhibition & Global Design Summit series, Shanghai Design Invitational Exhibition, 2019 GDC Show Shanghai Station, Shenzhen Design Week "Gome Innovation" plate and other exhibitions and forums. His works have been included in "Tokyo TDC", "Design for Asia", "APD Asia Pacific Design Yearbook" and "Design 360°".
Cheng Yiqi
Dr Cheng Yiqi works in the Department of Art Design, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts (SAFA, SHU). Cheng’s teaching work has covered book design, infographic design, branding & identity design to exhibition and visual environment design, specializing in the research of visual communication and display in public space and is a MFA’s dissertation supervisor. Alongside his teaching and research work, Dr CHENG is the Programme Director for “International Studies in SAFA (2020-2023)”, which invites teachers from the world-class Art and Design Institute to come to SAFA for short-term postgraduate teaching.
Song Tianyi
Song Tianyi PhD , MFA of Academy of Art University, Lecturer of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Founder of Echo Intangible Activation and Innovation Studio, and co-founder of Parsons & Shanghai Institute of Innovative and Creative Design International Design Course. Focus on interactive design, digital fashion, intangible cultural heritage innovation and fashion design.
Workshop Assistant Team
Workshop Assistant:
Li Yingchuan, Song Peiming, Yixin, Liu Ying,
Liu Yang, Li Wenting, Zhu Shiyi, Zhou Ying,
Xu Xuetong, Cao Zixuan, Xu Jiayi,Wu Xinyi
Workshop Date and Location
Teaching date:
December 10th to December 12th, 2023
Teaching location:
South Building, Yanchang Campus,
Shanghai University & Vancouver Film
Academy Performance Theater (406)
Workshop Teaching Method
Each workshop adopts a joint teaching method of 1 master mentor and 1 collaborating teacher, with 10 students and 1 teaching assistant. The teaching mainly focuses on discussion, production, and presentation.