
墨西哥国际海报双年展协会 (The International Poster Biennial in Mexico A.C.)是一个成立于 2011 年的民间协会,致力于海报,其重点是负责收集您的信息并记录您的图形历史,不仅为了成为一个传递信息的有效方式,还为了其视觉价值和应用设计。同样,双年展从一开始就被设想为相关项目诞生或推广的创作者交流信息的平台。


Xavier Bermúdez Bañuelos


1953年生于墨西哥,平面设计师。曾在墨西哥UAM X和意大利米兰理工设计学院学习。1988年开始组织墨西哥国际海报双年展(BICM),并担任主席。其作品曾在诸多专业杂志上发表,如《Linea Gráfica》、《Print》、《Affiche》、《Idea》和《Who is Who in Graphic Design》等杂志。他曾应邀担任芬兰赫蒂国际海报双年展、科罗拉多州柯林斯堡国际海报展和玻利维亚双年展的评委。参加的展览包括:1998年日本京都的世界会议、2002年法国“致敬Toulouse Lautrec百年纪念展”,以及近期的“致敬Jan Rajlich”。1997年,他创办了《Lúdica设计艺术与文化》(《Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño》)杂志。在30多个国家联合举办的"自由之声"展览中担任策展人并参展。目前生活和工作在韦拉克鲁斯州哈拉帕。


The International Poster Biennial in Mexico has been held in Mexico since 1990, which is one of the three oldest in the world and the forerunner of its kind in America. Here ideas are turned into projects through our international poster contest where visual creators converge. Every two years, our civil association of the same name, organizes the best positioned poster event in Mexico and a benchmark in the five continents. This initiative has transformed other biennials around the world, given Mexico an image and presence abroad, and initiated young people in teaching design as a transformer of the environment.

The International Poster Biennial in Mexico A.C. (Bienal Cartel AC), is a civil association founded in 2011 dedicated to the poster, with the focus of being an agent in charge of collecting your information and making history of your graphics, not only for being an effective means of transmitting messages, but also for its visual value and the applied design. Likewise, the Biennial has been conceived, from its origins, as the platform for the exchange of information of creators where related projects are born or promoted.

BICM is the brand for all the products organized by the poster biennial, that is, the total number of projects that are in charge of this non-profit civil association.

Xavier Bermúdez Bañuelos

Chairman of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico (BICM)

Mexico 1953. Graphic Designer. He studied at the UAM X in Mexico and at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in the city of Milan, Italy. In 1988 he began the organization of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico. 1992 coordinates the edition of the collection "America Hoy 500 years later. His works have been published by specialized magazines such as:" Linea Gráfica "," Print "and" Affiche "as well as by the magazines" Idea "and" Who is Who in Graphic Design ". He has been invited as a jury in the biennials of Vasrovia Poland, Lahti Finland, Fort Collins Colorado and Bolivia. He has participated in collections, UNEP UN, Berliner Ensamble in 1998, in the collection, for the world conference Kyoto Japan 1998, in the collection "Salon du Cent, Tribute to Toulouse Lautrec published in France in 2002 and recently in the collection published in Sofia Bulgaria dedicated to the Cyrillic alphabet. In 1997 he started the Lúdica Arte y Cultura del Diseño magazine. Producer curator and participant in the exhibition"“Voces en Libertad”presented in collaboration with the SRE in more than 30 countries Collaborates with Raymond Vezina and Mineko Suzuki, UQAM researchers in the development of the collection's iconographic cataloging program. on of the BICM. He is currently Director of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico. Lives and works in Xalapa Veracruz.
