国际设计社团协会 (ico-D)成立于1963年(前身为国际平面设计社团协会Icograda),本协会为非营利组织,借由促进专业范畴、教育范畴与商业范畴会员间的交流而激发出顶尖的创造力。其核心价值与愿景落实在ico-D会员间相互合作上的优势,其会员为专业人士、跨领域组织、设计师等。其会员的交流相互作用,注重于当代社会的观点思考与串联全球及当地的多元社团。ico-D同时致力于推广杰出的设计力与支持设计力作为推动社会的重要媒介。

Johnathon Strebly


Johnathon Strebly,国际设计组织联合会(ico-D)会长、曾担任加拿大平面设计师协会(GDC)会长、建筑与设计公司HCMA Architecture + Design创意服务总监、设计工作室The Notice Group创办人暨总监、加拿大专业影像创作者协会奖卓越贡献人士。


Founded in 1963 as the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda), the International Federation of Design Organizations (ico-D) is a non-profit organization that stimulates creativity at the highest level by promoting exchange among its professional, educational, and business members. The core value and vision of Icograda lies in the strength of cooperation among Icograda members, who are professionals, interdisciplinary organizations, designers, etc. The interaction of Icograda members with each other is the key to the success of Icograda. ico-D is also committed to promoting excellence in design and supporting design as an important agent of social mobility.

Johnathon Strebly

President of the International Council of Design (ico-D)
Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Johnathon Strebly, President of the International Council of Design (ico-D)、Past-President of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC)、Director of Creative Services of HCMA Architecture + Design、Founder and Director of The Notice Group Design Studio、Outstanding Contribution to CAPIC Award.
