
近年来,他们的口号“Better Business by Design”被纳入了他们的宣言。他们的最终目标是重塑企业和社区,不仅通过设计实现更好的商业,同时通过设计为社会服务。


1. 新加坡好设计标志奖(SG Mark)
SG Mark是在2013年与日本设计促进协会(JDP)的合作下成立的,该协会成立了优良设计奖。SG Mark的成立是为了杰出的设计品质树立标杆,影响新加坡及其他地区的商业和社区。
该奖项每年颁发给在项目中展示杰出设计的设计师和他们的客户,SG Mark还致力于发掘具有价值的教育终端用户的优秀设计,并鼓励更高质量标准的生产。

2. 新加坡设计奖(SDA)
SDA在1988年被提出,并由时任新加坡总理的李光耀在首届新加坡国际设计论坛(Singapore International Design Forum)上向外公布。作为致力于表彰设计的奖项,SDA承认和认可那些藏于幕后的为引领潮流、并为创新注入新鲜血液不断前行的人。SDA现在每两年举行一次。

设计慢行是在2018年提出的,目的在于分享SG Mark获奖者的优秀设计实践作品和创作过程。这是一个为期一天的付费知识共享课程,由具有强烈的设计聚焦/思想的公司或设计师举办, 其中DBCS成员优先录取。该项目包含对主讲公司的访问以及主讲公司分享的实践项目和过程的内容。

4. 年度晚宴


安德鲁是领先的商业设计顾问公司Lavaworks的创始人,也是社会企业Live.Love.Life的创始人。十多年来,他还管理着Egg Creatives--一家在新加坡和中国的综合设计机构。






Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS), previously known as Designers Association Singapore, was founded in 1985 by a diverse group of forward-thinking designers.

DBCS’ vision is to establish a community of practice that embraces design-led innovation as a key driver for sustainable growth. They do so by forging partnership opportunities between the design and business communities.

In the recent years, the tagline – Better Business by Design – was incorporated as their manifesto. Their ultimate aim is to rally businesses and communities to not just achieve Better Business by Design but to use design for social good.

DBCS runs a number of signature programmes each year and the following are three main ones:
1. The Singapore Good Design Awards (SG Mark)
SG Mark was launched in 2013 in partnership with the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP) that founded the Good Design Awards. SG Mark was established to set the benchmark for exceptional design quality that impacts businesses and communities in Singapore and beyond.
An annual award to both designers and their clients for displaying exceptional design in their projects, SG Mark also seeks to educate end-users of the value of good design and encourage a higher standard of quality in production.
2. Singapore Design Awards (SDA)
SDA honours outstanding designers, design students and design practices from across the world. It aims to raise awareness for the region and the strategic role of designers with Singapore at the heart of a dynamic Southeast Asia.
SDA was first conceived in 1988 and unveiled by then Prime Minister of Singapore Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the first Singapore International Design Forum. As an award that has always been dedicated to celebrating design, SDA is committed to acknowledging and affirming the people behind the scenes – the ones leading the charge and a new blood of innovators in the right step forward. SDA is now held bi-annually.
3. Design Crawl
Design Crawl was introduced in 2018 with the purpose of sharing good design practices and processes by our SG Mark winners. It is a one-day paid knowledge-sharing session hosted by companies or designers with a strong design focus/ethos. Priority admission is given to DBCS members. It comprises a visit/tour of the host company and sharing of their good practices and processes.
DBCS has run two Design Crawls since 2018. Both runs received excellent feedback from participants.
The target audience mainly consist of members in the design community who are keen to glean insights from the more established designers/companies. The usual group size is around 30 participants. A session scheduled in February 2020 had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.
4. Annual Gala Dinner
The Dinner is meant to bring the design, business and government agencies/ministries together to celebrate good designs of the year. It is also a networking opportunity where friendships/working relationships are renewed and new ones made. The occasion is graced by a Guest of Honour from the Singapore Government or an esteemed person in the business or design community.


Andrew is the founder of leading business design consultancy – Lavaworks, as well as social enterprise, Live.Love.Life. For more than a decade, he also managed Egg Creatives – an integrated design agency with presence in Singapore and China.

Andrew is the current President of Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS). He is also the co-chairman for DesignS, an alliance of the various design industry associations.

A strong advocate of the local design industry, Andrew plays an active role in a myriad of roles he takes on.

Prior to taking over as President of Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS) in April 2017, Andrew was the Vice-President of the Chamber for four years. From 2007 to 2014, he was the Vice-Chairman of the Design Advisory Committee of the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC). During that time, he conceived and co-chaired SingaPlural – the anchor event of the Singapore Design Week.

Andrew was also a representative at DesignSingapore’s Industry Development Panel which looked into the development of Singapore’s design industry. Passionate about nurturing young minds, he taught as an adjunct lecturer in the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. He also served as a member of the Board of Examiners for the Building and Construction Authority (BCA).

Well-regarded as an influential thought leader, Andrew has been invited as juror and speaker on both local and international platforms.