怀抱着让设计成为欧洲成长和繁荣驱动力的愿景,欧洲设计协会总局(BEDA)拥有来自欧洲27个国家、共50个成员组织。BEDA 的成员包括设计推广中心、于国内或区域推广设计的公共资助组织、以及整个欧洲地区的专业设计师协会。专业协会代表著横跨欧洲各国约40 万名设计师,他们来自各方各面的设计专业领域,从工业设计到室内设计,还包括数位媒体设计、品牌及策略设计。BEDA是一个非营利性组织,加盟成员的赞助是它的资金来源。BEDA由每两年选举产生的董事会进行管理,并每两年选举一次主席和副主席。BEDA总部位于比利时布鲁塞尔。



派维·塔科卡里奥(Päivi Tahkokallio),欧洲设计协会会长、Tahkokallio Design+创办人暨执行长、芬兰设计师协会副会长、芬兰拉普兰区商会设计委员会主席,获选为英国皇家文艺制造商业学会成员。


Boasts 50 members from 27 member states in Europe. Members can be design promotion centers and other publicly funded organisations that promote design nationally or regionally as well as professional and trade associations for designers from across Europe. Those professional associations represent some 400,000 designers from across Europe in every discipline of work from industrial design and interiors to digital design and branding. BEDA is a not-for-profit organisation funded in its entirity by its members. It is run by a board of directors elected by its membership every two years. It also elects a President and Vice President every two years. BEDA is headquartered in Brussels.

Päivi Tahkokallio

President of BEDA (The Bureau of European Design Associations)
Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Päivi Tahkokallio, President of BEDA (The Bureau of European Design Associations)、Founder and CEO of Tahkokallio Design+、Vice President of Ornamo Art and Design Finland、Chair of Design Committee of Lapland Chamber of Commerce, Fellow of Royal Society of Arts in the UK.
