亚洲设计联盟(tDA Asia)成立于2000年,是亚洲最广泛的设计师合作网络之一,成员遍及13个国家/地区,其共同愿景是将亚洲身份提升为重要的文化力量和设计战略平台。亚洲设计联盟通过分享共同而多元的文化的想法和知识,促进亚洲设计师的原创创造力。并且致力于与专门从事设计、研究、教育、艺术和文化交流的组织合作,重点关注亚洲及其人民不断变化的生活方式。此外,tDA Asia成员还积极参与国际设计和文化展览、会议和论坛,并与政府和其他组织就设计、身份、品牌和出口战略进行咨询。


亚洲设计联盟(tDA Asia)的联合创始人兼主席、马来西亚平面设计协会(wREGA)的联合创办人、国际平面设计协会联合会(ico-D)前任副主席,迪拜阿联酋国际海报节(EIPF)国际委员会的成员。王利欣善于在品牌、文化、城市和社区之间进行跨界工作,通过设计提升一个地区的人文和文化体验。他对东南亚文化充满了热情,早年就对该地区进行了广泛的记录。他还是Zakti战略设计公司的执行合伙人兼设计总监,该公司致力于下一代博物馆和展览等文化相关的项目,以促进与各国的文化交流。目前获得的奖项包括:2015年亚洲设计大奖(香港)、2011年马来西亚设计开发中心终身成就奖等。


The Design Alliance Asia (tDA Asia) , founded in the year 2000, is one of the most extensive collaborative networks of designers in Asia with a shared vision of advancing Asian identity as a vital cultural force and a strategic platform for design. It promotes the original creativity of Asian designers by sharing ideas and knowledge of common yet diverse cultures. It is also committed to working with organisations that specialise in design, research, education, art and cultural exchange with a focus on Asia and the changing lifestyles of its people. In addition, tDA Asia associates actively participate in international design and cultural exhibitions, conferences and forums, and consult on design, identity, brand and export strategy with governments and other organisations reaching out across the region.

William Harald-Wong

William is the Co-Founder and Chairman of The Design Alliance Asia; Co-Founder of the Graphic Design Association of Malaysia and a Past Vice-President of icograda (ico-D). He is also a member of the International Committee for Emirates International Poster Festival (EIPF), Dubai. William works at the intersection of brand, culture, city, and community, enhancing a place’s human and cultural experience. He is passionate about Southeast Asian culture and has documented the region extensively in his early years. He is also Managing Partner and Design Director of Zakti Strategic Design, a company working on culture-related projects including next-generation museums and exhibitions and promoting cultural exchanges with countries. His current awards include the Design for Asia Awards (Hong Kong) 2015, the Malaysian Design Development Centre Lifetime Achievement Award 2011, etc.
