国际设计理事会(International Council of Design,ICoD)是一个国际性的非政府组织,前身为国际平面设计协会理事会(ICOGRADA),秘书处设在加拿大蒙特利尔,始建于1963年,在全球50个国家和地区拥有121个机构成员,包括专业设计协会、设计推广机构、设计教育机构如设计学院等,不接受个人或企业的会员申请。理事会宗旨在于促进并协助国际最顶尖的设计机构之间展开交流合作,由于会员均为枢纽型机构(即会员本身拥有众多会员),且数量众多,覆盖全球各大洲,因此其两年一届的会员大会(General Assembly)被称为“设计界的联合国大会”。





Founded in 1963 as Icograda— the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, the International Council of Design (ICoD) is an international non-governmental organization headquartered in Montreal, Canada. It has 121 member bodies in 50 countries and regions around the world, including professional design associations, design promotion agencies, design educational institutions and colleges. The membership applications from individuals or companies are not acceptable. The mission of the Council is to promote exchanges and cooperation among the top international design institutions. Since the ICoD members are all institutions that have a large number of members themselves and cover all continents of the world. Therefore, the biennial General Assembly is also known as the "United Nations General Assembly of the design community".


Ting Xu
President, International Council of Design (ICoD)

Mr. Xu is currently the President of International Council of Design (ICoD) 2022-2024. Mr. Xu is also the deputy Secretary-General for Shenzhen Culture, Creativity and Design Association (SCCDA). SCCDA is a semi-official and non-profit body commissioned by Shenzhen municipal government to manage and brand “the City of Design” program. It is the focal point for UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) program, maintaining liaison with UNESCO and other creative cities around the world. SCCDA is also one of the key organizers of Shenzhen Design Week and Shenzhen Global Design Award (SDA).

From 2011 to now, Mr. XU serves consecutively as member of the Steering Group for UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN, 2014-2017), chair of the Statute and Regulation Drafting Group for UCCN(2013-2014), chair of the Working Group for UCCN(2012-2013), member of the sub-committee for UCCN(2011-2012). Mr. XU was the co-curator of the 2nd and 3rd HK-SZ Design Biennale, and curator of HK-SZ Creative Furniture Exhibition.