

芬兰拉赫蒂国际海报三年展的主席、上海美术学院客座教授、墨西哥国际海报双年展(BICM)名誉理事会成员、BICBé国际海报设计委员会成员、设计师联盟名誉成员。Loiri曾荣获数十项国际大奖,在数十个国际展览中担任评委。他获得了政府的设计奖、芬兰文化基金会的奖项,被选为年度平面设计师,并被授予政府的艺术和设计奖,Grafia的白金顶,以及Pro Finlandia奖章。ProCom协会授予他终身成就奖。Loiri一直参与教育事业,例如在赫尔辛基艺术与设计大学担任MG学院的院长。他曾担任许多高校的客座教授,并在世界各地的多所大学举办讲座和研讨会。

President of the Lahti International Poster Triennial, Finland

Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Loiri is the president of the Lahti International Poster Triennial, visiting Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, member of Honorary Council BICM Mexico, International Poster Design Council BICBéand honorary member of Union of Designers. Loiri is awarded dozens of international prize. He worked as a jury member in dozens international exhibitions. He received the government's Design Award, the award of the Finnish Culture Foundation and elected as the Graphic Designer of the year. He is granted the government's art and design prix, the Platinum Top by Grafia, and the Pro Finlandia medal. Association ProCom gave him The Lifetime Achievements Award. Loiri has been involved in education, e.g. at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, as the chancellor at the MG school. He has worked as visiting professor and has offered lectures and workshops at a number of universities all over the world.