“全球学生创意设计大赛-台湾”由亚洲大学视觉传达设计系所承办,旨在鼓励全球学生创意设计交流、发掘新生代创意人才及激发学生创意设计能量。大赛已迈入第十一个年头,为全球最具指标性的大型学生设计竞赛之一。今年竞赛以“Breakthrough and Innovation”为主题,期望学生勇于突破,乐于创新,透过设计体现并传达Breakthrough and Innovation的概念。本届共有四个类别,分别为“产品设计类”、“数位动画类”、“视觉设计类”和“服务设计类”,面向世界各地的学生征件,共吸引来自66个国家/地区、895所学校的同学报名参加,最终征得超过20,000件作品。


全球学生创意设计大赛-台湾 计划主持人


林磐耸教授并被誉为「台湾CIS先驱者」,曾为中华电信、中华邮政、故宫博物院、顶新国际集团、北京万通集团、中石化长城润滑油等规划企业识别系统与品牌形象设计。曾受邀担任德国red dot红点传达设计奖、美国Adobe国际设计奖、墨西哥国际海报双年展、日本G-Mark优良设计奖、中国国际海报双年展等多个国际设计大赛评审,并受邀担任2008年北京奥运会会徽大赛国际评审及视觉形象设计顾问。


International Student Design Competition-Taiwan is executed by the Department of Visual Communication Design of Asia University. The aim of this competition is to encourage international students to exchange and develop their creative design talents and energy. International Student Design Competition-Taiwan is now in its eleventh year and has become one of the largest student design competitions in the world. The theme for this year is "Breakthrough and Innovation." We encourage participants to make breakthroughs and develop innovation bravely and convey the concept of "Breakthrough and Innovation" through unique design. This year, visual design category, product design category, digital animation category, and service design category are included. This year's competition has attracted more than 20,000 entries and registers from 895 schools and departments in 66 countries/regions.

Lin Pang-Soong(Taiwan ,China)

Chairman, Taiwan Design Alliance

Chairman, Taiwan Industrial Design Association

Founding Chairman, Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Alliance Association

Global Student Creative Design Competition - Taiwan Program Chair

Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Professor Lin Pang-Soong enjoys a great reputation as the supervisor of Taiwan design community. Now he is the chair professor of Asia University, the doctoral advisor of China Academy of Art Shanghai Institute of Design, the honorary professor of National Taiwan Normal University. He used to be the professor and dean of the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University, the professor and dean of the Department of Visual Design, the director of Cultural & Creative Industries Center and the vice president of National Taiwan Normal University.

Being honored as trailblazer of Taiwan CIS, Professor Lin Pang-Soong designed corporate identity system and brand for several companies, such as ChungHwa Telecom, Chunghwa Post, the Palace Museum, and Ting Hsin International Group. He used to be a judge for Red Dot Design Award, Adobe Design Achievement Award, International Poster Biennial in Mexico, G-mark Design Award and China International Poster Biennial, and was invited to be an international judge and a visual image design counselor of Emblem Design Competition of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
