

Johnathon Strebly,国际设计组织联合会(ico-D)会长、曾担任加拿大平面设计师协会(GDC)会长、建筑与设计公司HCMA Architecture + Design创意服务总监、设计工作室The Notice Group创办人暨总监、加拿大专业影像创作者协会奖卓越贡献人士。

President of the International Council of Design (ico-D)

Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Johnathon Strebly,President of the International Council of Design (ico-D)、Past-President of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC)、Director of Creative Services of HCMA Architecture + Design、Founder and Director of The Notice Group Design Studio、Outstanding Contribution to CAPIC Award.