国际平面设计联盟(AGI)会员,深圳平面设计协会(SGDA)学术委员,现任中国美术学院教授、设计艺术学院院长。他毕业于浙江美术学院,之后在深圳和设计同仁一道参与推动深圳平面设计的启蒙和发展,1997年成立“言文设计有限公司”(Imagram Design)并担任设计总监。

他作为设计实践者,以赋有想象力的设计塑造了一些具有影响力的项目品牌,除此之外,他站在自身文化背景下思考平面设计的文化承载,并不断探索设计的形式语言, 作品在国内外获奖超过百余项,主要包括:1996、2007“GDC” 金奖、评审奖、铜奖、优异奖等二十余项;1996、2000、2005“香港设计展”银奖、铜奖、优异奖十余项;1997“香港国际海报三年展”金奖;1999、2009“全国美展”银奖、铜奖、优异奖;2010“第七届全国书籍设计展” 最佳设计奖和优异设计奖十余项;2011“香港设计师协会环球设计大赛”二项银奖和一项铜奖、香港印制大奖冠军和优异奖等。

作品还多次入选Tokyo TDC、芬兰赫尔辛基、日本富山、布尔诺、华沙、墨西哥、台北、仁川和莫斯科等国际海报双年展和三年展。

He is a member of AGI, an academician of SGDA and currently a professor of the China Academy of Art,Dean of  the School of Design. In the 1980s, after graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Art, Bi Xuefeng joined his colleagues in developing the enlightenment of graphic design in Shenzhen, a by then brand new city. In 1997, he founded 'Imagram Design' and served as design director.

He is not only a designer but also a practitioner—he has changed his imaginative designs into some influential brands and programs. In addition, by footing on the Chinese culture, he thinks over the cultural contents contained in graphic design and continuously explores its formal language, and his works has won over a hundred awards and prizes home and abroad:gold award, silver award, Judges award and excellence award more than 20 from “GDC” in 1996 and 2007; silver awards, bronze award and excellence award more than 10 from “Hong Kong Design Show” in 1996,2000 and 2005; gold award from “Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 1997” ; silver awards, bronze Award and excellence award from “1999 and 2009 Chinese National Art Exhibition” ; the best design award and excellence Award more than 10 from “the 7th National Book Design Exhibition” in 2010; two sliver awards and one bronze award from “HKDA Global Design Awards 2011”; gold award and excellence award from “the 19th Hong Kong Print Awards” etc.

His works have also been selected for international poster biennale and triennial. such as TDC Tokyo, HIPB, IPT, the International Poster Biennial in Brno , the International Poster Biennial in Warsaw,  the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, Incheon International Design Fair and the Golden Bee - Moscow International Biennale of Graphic Design.