The Last Goodbye

The Last Goodbye
Ami Vitale Productions

地球正在经历一场前所未有的灭绝浪潮。濒临灭绝的一种是北白犀牛。2018年3月19日,苏丹,最后一头雄性北方白犀牛死亡。他的女儿纳金(Najin)和住在附近的孙女法图(Fatu)幸存下来。他们是他的同类中的最后一个。他的遗传系中只有他们长寿。然而,苏丹的后裔太虚弱,无法怀孕。但是,仍有一线希望。尖端的生殖技术正在应用于苏丹等濒危物种。现在,该物种的未来完全依赖于获取雌性犀牛最后的卵子,利用冷冻的DNA创造胚胎,并通过体外受精的方式,将其植入与雌性犀牛有亲缘关系的南方白犀牛体内。这些巨物是数百万年来所创造的复杂世界的一部分,它们的生存与我们自身息息相关。 没有犀牛、大象和其他野生动植物,我们将失去想象力、失去奇迹、失去美好的可能性。当我们将自己视为自然的一部分时,我们就会明白,拯救自然就是拯救我们自己。

The Last Goodbye
Ami Vitale Productions
United States

ADC 99th Gold
The ADC Annual Awards
The earth is undergoing an unprecedented wave of extinctions. One on the brink is the Northern White Rhinoceros. Sudan, the last male northern white rhino died on March 19, 2018. He was survived by his daughter, Najin, and granddaughter, Fatu, who lived nearby. They are the last of his species; his genetic line lives on only as long as they do. Yet Sudan’s descendants are too frail to maintain a pregnancy. Yet, there is a glimmer of hope. Cutting-edge reproductive technology is being applied to endangered species like Sudan’s family. The future of the species now rests entirely on harvesting the last eggs of the females and creating embryos from frozen DNA to implant it in the Southern White Rhino, a related species, using in vitro fertilization. These giants are part of a complex world created over millions of years, and their survival is intertwined with our own. Without rhinos and elephants and other wildlife, we suffer a loss of imagination, a loss of wonder, a loss of beautiful possibilities. When we see ourselves as part of nature, we understand that saving nature is really about saving ourselves.