Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd
Fonzarelli Nkd

Fonzarelli Nkd
Michelle Nazzari Wenley Andrews Jules Boerez Pao-Hsuan Shen

Good Design Award Gold Winner, Product Design
凭借敏捷的处理能力和轻巧紧凑的构造,这是为未来打造的旅程。 越野骑行或穿越城市丛林,NKD在户外带来了简单的精致感。NKD的主要吸引力之一就是其表现出色并保持可持续发展的能力。 使用再生材料制造自行车的车身彰显了Fonzarelli的核心价值——可持续性。车身套件构成了设计的一个关键方面,使用回收塑料的能力采取了额外的步骤,以减少碳足迹。

Fonzarelli Nkd
Michelle Nazzari Wenley Andrews Jules Boerez Pao-Hsuan Shen

Good Design Award Gold Winner, Product Design
Product Design
Good Design Awards
With agile handling and a lightweight, compact build, it’s a ride that’s built for the future. Off-road riding or cutting through the urban jungle, the NKD brings simple sophistication outdoors.One of the major draw cards of the NKD is its ability to perform to a high standard and remain sustainable. The use of recycled materials to create the body of the bike highlights Fonzarelli’s core value. Sustainability.The body kit forms one of the key aspects of the design and the ability to use recycled plastic takes that extra step to reducing the carbon footprint.

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