

学生组 海报设计 提名奖

2021 这是一幅夜里的山景意象,讽刺的是人类对于滥用塑料袋所造成的环境危害,人们应该要对于这个事情的严重性有所重视,继续忽视这个环境乱象的话,堆积如山的塑料袋将会对我们的地球村有严重的危害,造成不可逆的伤害性,我们应该要更积极的面对这个问题,把它处理到完美,善待我们的地球村。

Liu Zhi-Yu
Taiwan, China

Student Group Poster Design Finalist
Macau Design Award (MDA)

2021 This is a mountain image at night. Ironically, people should pay more attention to the seriousness of the environmental damage caused by the abuse of plastic bags. If we continue to ignore the environmental chaos, the mountains of plastic bags will do serious harm to our global village, causing irreversible harm. We should face this problem more actively and deal with it perfectly, and treat our global village well.
Human beings continue to pursue civilization, because civilization brings convenience to life, and at the same time, it also packages human life in a delicate and qualitative way. However, its internal symptoms are slowly eroded and destroyed unconsciously. What we want to present through the image of a mountain night scene is a profound reflection for human beings. This reminds us that when people use plastic bags, have they ever thought carefully: Is the mountain of plastic bags charming or lethal under the beautiful moonlight? To be kind to the environment is to be kind to all life, which is the common belief of all human beings. It is expected that human beings will devote themselves to the maintenance of the environment because of their faith.