Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计
Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计

Jetlag Books书店品牌形象设计


2021 Jetlag Books于疫情期间开业,也是在北京书店关店潮之后,唯一一家开业的书店。书店选址于三里屯太古里北区,定位为“世界灵感之旅”,杂志是核心产品,选书偏向旅行、创意和时尚方向。店内提供精品咖啡和原创衍生品,定期举办小型文化活动。Jetlag是一个视觉上不够“整齐”的文字组合,j t l g分别向上下纵向延展出不同的负空间,我们利用这一特点将这几个字母充分的拉伸并使之整齐地划分出不同的区间,象征不同的时区,并将e a和g字母中的圆形高低错落排布成一条上升的曲线,象征不同时区中太阳的高度变化。我们将这一规则融入品牌系统中的所有标题文字中,文字的高低和宽窄都充满了时间节奏的变化,纵向拉伸的线条看起来又有了书脊或刊号的暗示。色彩方面我们选取的灰色和三种不同时间段的“天空色”来搭配。物料中没有一个固定的logo位置却又到处都是logo,字体的条纹感和点线面之间的关系会自然形成一种图案,打通各个版面的区隔,让所有物料的品牌识别性更强但又不无聊。品牌没有使用任何传统书店的书本元素,而是通过文字的节奏感来链接文化和时尚的感受,向北京展示独立书店的独立审美。

Jetlag Books Brand Design

Gold Award for Professional Group
Brand & Communication Design
GDC Award

2021 Positioned as a world tour of inspiration, Jetlag books is a bookstore in Beijing Sanlitun core commercial district that focuses on lifestyle, travel, art and design. Jetlag is a combination of words that are not visually "neat", and J, t, l and g extend different negative spaces longitudinally up and down, so we take advantage of this feature to fully stretch these letters to divide different sections neatly, symbolizing different time zones, and arrange the circles of e, a, and g into a rising curve, symbolizing the height of the sun in different time zones. The height and width of the words are full of time and rhythm changes, and the lines stretched lengthwise look like bound edges and pages. We choose the gray color to match with three "sky colors" of different time periods. Logo is always used to extend the application in a multi-dimensional and dynamic way through the whole picture, so that the brand identification is stronger but not boring. This VI not only expresses the sense of time to name the store, but also shows that this is a forward-looking non-traditional bookstore.

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