Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀

Paper Razor™ 一次性剃须刀
贝印株式会社/Mai Kadokura


2022 这款设计不同于目前主流的传统塑料剃须刀,这是世界上首创的 PAPER RAZOR™ 纸制剃须刀:手柄和固定支架完全以纸制成,而刀片以不锈钢制成。剃须刀的厚度仅有约 3 毫米,采用纸张的折叠工艺折叠而成,重约 4 克。纸质材料经过精心挑选,厚度适中,兼具防水性和剃须稳定感。使用这款一次性剃须刀,用户可随时享受干净舒适,无需担心细菌滋生。

Paper Razor™
Kai Industries Co., Ltd.:Mai Kadokura(Involved Designers)

iF Gold Award
Product Design
iF Design Award

2022 This design is very different from the plastic razors that dominate the disposable razor market. This is the world's first "PAPER RAZOR(TM)". The handle and holding bracket are made entirely from paper, while the blades are of stainless steel. The 3mm-thin body, which is assembled through a folding process similar to Origami, weighs just 4g. The paper has been carefully selected for moderate thickness and is both water-resistant and highly stable. Since it is designed for single use, the user can enjoy a clean and comfortable shave without worrying about bacterial growth.

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