鲸鱼 #2

鲸鱼 #2


2022 Whale #2”是一项公共艺术,它将时代广场1,400 平方米的广告屏幕变成了一片波澜起伏的3D 海洋,画面中一头鲸鱼乘着海浪自由遨游。它创造了一个超现实的场景,一头巨大的鲸鱼在水元素的渲染下,在一个有限的空问内游动,消失于海浪之中。在充斥着无数广告和光污染的环境下,这项公共艺术吸引了人们的注意,向公众展现了生活在不眠之城的人们对自由的向往。

Whale #2
d'strict holdings, Inc.
Republic of Korea

iF Gold Award
Communication Design
iF Design Award

2022 Whale #2' is public art that transforms the1400-square meter billboard screen in New York's Times Square into a 3-dimensional undulating ocean environment occupied by a whale freely riding the waves.It creates a hyperrealistic scene where anenormous
whale rendered in water element swims and blends into the waves within a confined space. By presenting engrossing art to the public in the midst of involuntary exposure to a myriad of advertising and light pollution,the work suggests a moment of freedom from a sleepless city.