ADC 年度大奖是 “The One Club for Creativity” 的一部分,也是世界上历史最悠久、持续时间最长的行业颁奖典礼。这些奖项旨在表彰广告、数字媒体、平面和出版设计、包装和产品设计、运动、游戏、体验和建筑、摄影、插图和时尚设计等领域的佼佼者,注重艺术性和工艺性。
ADC 年度大奖还提供分级定价结构,旨在方便小型机构、工作室和自由职业者参赛。规模较大的公司只需支付标准参赛费;规模较小的工作室可享受参赛费折扣(折扣额因学科而异),自由创意人和单人工作室的参赛费可享受更大的折扣。
优秀的参赛者将由德高望重的评审团选出,并在年度颁奖晚会上颁发令人羡慕的金、银、铜立方体奖章。除了金、银、铜奖之外,ADC 年度奖的获奖者还包括上个世纪最具影响力的艺术家。


The One Club for Creativity首席运营官
The One Club for Creativity内容与营销副总裁
The One Club for Art and Copy内容总监和总编辑

2021年3月至今:The One Club for Creativity首席运营官
2015年3月 - 2021年3月:The One Club for Creativity内容与营销副总裁
2004年2月 - 2015年4月:The One Club for Art and Copy内容总监和总编辑
2002年12月 - 2003年12月:AOL专题编辑
2000年9月 - 2002年7月:Ziff Davis Media主编
1996年 - 2000年:Random House主编
1994年 - 1996年:W. H. Freeman编辑助理
Yash Egami是创意界非营利组织The One Club for Creativity的首席运营官,该组织总部位于纽约市。自2004年以来,他在该组织担任过多个职位,包括编辑总监和内容与营销副总裁。目前,他负责监督The One Club的日常运营,以及营销和合作伙伴关系,以支持该组织的奖项和项目。他还创立并领导了多个项目,包括一年一度的创意领袖静修会和年度汽车广告奖,这些项目曾在全国范围内的CNN上播出。作为编辑,他制作了《One Show Annual》和《one. a magazine》杂志,这些作品荣获了多个奖项,包括出版设计师协会奖(Society of Publication Designers Award)和克里奥奖(Clio Award)。
在加入The One Club之前,Yash曾在AOL担任网络编辑、作家和制片人,负责创作在线娱乐和餐厅指南。他的职业生涯始于图书出版领域,并在兰登书屋(Random House)担任了5年的助理编辑经理,期间他负责收购书籍并管理许多知名作家的生产日程。

The ADC Annual Awards, part of The One Club for Creativity, is the oldest continuously running industry award show in the world. Now heading into its incredible 102nd year, these awards celebrate the very best in advertising, digital media, graphic and publication design, packaging and product design, motion, gaming, experiential and architecture, photography, illustration and fashion design all with a focus on artistry and craftsmanship.
The ADC Annual Awards also offers a tiered pricing structure designed to make it easier for smaller agencies, studios and freelancers to participate. Larger companies pay the standard entry fee; smaller shops get a discount on entries (amount varies by discipline) and freelance creatives and one-person shops are eligible for an even greater reduction in their entry fee.
Outstanding entrants are selected by highly respected juries, and honored with coveted Gold, Silver and Bronze Cubes, presented at the Annual Awards Gala. Beyond these Cubes, however, ADC Annual Awards winners join a rich legacy of past honorees that include some of the most influential artists of the past century.

Yash Egami

Chief Operating Officer of the One Club for Creativity
Vice President, Content and Marketing of the One Club for Creativity
Director of Content and Managing Editor of the One Club for Art and Copy

March 2021 - Present: Chief Operating Officer, The One Club for Creativity
March 2015 - March 2021: Vice President of Content and Marketing, The One Club for Creativity
February 2004 - April 2015: Director of Content and Managing Editor, The One Club for Art and Copy
December 2002 - December 2003: Features Editor, AOL
September 2000 - July 2002: Managing Editor, Ziff Davis Media
1996 - 2000: Managing Editor, Random House
1994 - 1996: Editorial Assistant, W. H. Freeman
Yash Egami is Chief Operating Officer at The One Club for Creativity, a non-profit society for the creative community headquartered in New York City. Since 2004, he has held various roles at the organization including Editorial Director and Vice President of Content and Marketing. Currently he helps oversee the day-to-day operations of The One Club as well as marketing and partnerships to support the organization’s awards and programs. He also created and led several programs including the annual Creative Leaders Retreat and Automobile Advertising of the Year Awards, which was featured nationally on CNN. As an editor, he produced the One Show Annual and one. a magazine, which won several awards including a Society of Publication Designers Award and a Clio Award.
Prior to joining The One Club, Yash worked as a web editor, writer and producer at AOL creating online entertainment and restaurant guides. He began his career in book publishing and spent 5 years at Random House as an assistant managing editor where he acquired books and managed production schedules for many well-known
Yash grew up outside of Philadelphia and attended the University of Pennsylvania. He currently resides in Connecticut with his wife, two kids, two cats and a dog.